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2019 Implementation Plan for Sustainable Development Landscaping Project in Indigenous Villages

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  • Online Date:2020/07/06
  • Modification Time:2021/09/03 21:58:00
  • Hits: 1969

I. Project Overview

An “indigenous village” is the political subject and daily life center of indigenous regions and forms part of the mutualism with nature. To maintain the public safety, public transport, and public health and promote infrastructure construction in villages, the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) subsidizes local governments to improve and construct indigenous infrastructure within the “village” as the subject of future development and planning based on the policy for “indigenous environmental sustainable development” to re-cohere the ethnic core value in indigenous regions and achieve indigenous environment regeneration and indigenous culture succession.

II. Project Goal Indigenous infrastructure in indigenous regions is characterized by quantity insufficiency and service underperformance. As a result, both the living environment and living quality are deteriorating to affect the overall landscape and cultural heritage of the villages. Therefore, the suitability and adequacy of infrastructure in indigenous regions have become exceptionally important.

1. Improving the Functions and Quality of the Indigenous Living Environment Starting from internal indigenous development, rural transformation is implemented to improve the fundamental public facilities in indigenous regions.

2. Cohering Awareness to Promote Indigenous Culture Succession Indigenous open space is usually the common area for local recreation and leisure, rituals and ceremonies, and cohesion of indigenous spirit. Through the construction and transformation of the indigenous assembly hall, an indigenous living vision is achieved, indigenous cultural value is enhanced, and indigenous cultural exchange is promoted.

III. Subsidized Items

1. Project Subsidized Items To achieve the project goals, the project is implemented in two parts: The “Indigenous Infrastructure Improvement Plan” and “Indigenous Cultural Assembly Hall Construction and Transformation Plan” as shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Contents of Plans

Type of Plan

Objectives of Plan

Contents of Plans

Indigenous Infrastructure Improvement Plan (Type A)


(1)          To improve indigenous infrastructure and to build a safe and comfortable living environment and convenient transportation network.

(2)          To improve the common indigenous living space and to improve living quality, continue indigenous traditions, and showcase  indigenous characteristics.

(3)          To construct venues for traditional indigenous rituals and ceremonies and to carry forward the core value of indigenous cultures and heritage.

Indigenous Cultural Assembly Hall Construction and Transformation Plan (Type B)

To build and improve the open assembly halls in villages and to provide venues for indigenous peoples to hold routine and special rituals and ceremonies.