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Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program: Urban and Rural Projects to Balance Regional Development

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  • Online Date:2020/07/06
  • Modification Time:2020/07/06 14:57:11
  • Hits: 3013

Project Goal

This Project aims to improve the living environment quality and long-term care service in indigenous communities, integrate regional public service locations, and renovate and enrich related facilities to develop indigenous communities into health-friendly spaces with cultural implications and provide integrated services, i.e. based on the core of “Tribal Heart”, as shown in Figure 2.1.1.

1. Combine indigenous cultures with the characteristics of local landscapes and facilities, renovate indigenous culture and health integrated service locations, and provide services required by indigenous communities based on indigenous resources and characteristics and local conditions.

2. Build urban indigenous villages based on the “Tribal Heart” concept to improve the living quality and cultural succession performance of indigenous peoples living in metropolitan areas.

3. Improve public facilities around culture and health integrated service locations and the quality of environments around culture and health integrated service locations.

4. Enhance the capacity of culture and health integrated service locations; integrate long-term care, child daycare, after-school care, and wireless broadband services for indigenous peoples; and develop culture and health integrated service locations into “Tribal Heart” pilot locations.

5. Connect with the digital economy and health application services, narrow the urban-rural digital gap, integrate indigenous digital resources, and promote indigenous economic development and health care with cloud applications.

Strategy and Method

To effectively, systematically, and permanently resolve the above problems in indigenous communities, the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) planned ahead to sustainably expand all implementation plans relating to indigenous peoples. Through the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program: Urban and Rural Projects to Balance Regional Development, CIP implements four tasks: “Renovation of Friendly Spaces for Culture and Health Integrated Service Locations in Villages”, “Urban Indigenous Village Building”, “Improvement of Public Facilities Around Service Locations and in Villages”, and “Construction of Tribal Heart Pilot Locations”. With those 4 tasks, CIP hopes to realize the visions and goals of “in addition to the major projects led by the central government, the government supports local county and city governments to propose projects relating to the forward-looking infrastructure development program in order to impress people with useful infrastructure, ensure sustainable development through highly integrated projects, and singularize regional styles and create regional identity with quality design.”

Section 1: Implementation Strategy

This Project is implemented mainly through the improvement of the building and surroundings of the indigenous culture and health locations to progressively turn them into the “Tribal Heart”. Therefore, the implementation strategies are as follows:'

1. Inventory of the Existing Service Spaces and Integrated Services of Culture and Health Stations

(1) Service Spaces By June 2017, CIP has subsidized 12 county and city governments to set up 121 culture and health stations, as shown in Figure 4.1.1. These stations by location include 41 stations in churches, 32 stations in activity centers, eight stations in assembly halls, 8 stations in civilian residences, 2 stations in schools, 1 station in the police station, 1 station in an elderly welfare organization, 1 station in the leased premises of the township nursery, and 27 stations in other locations. This project aims to renovate and repair government common spaces. If only private common spaces are available in a particular station, this project will fully supply the facilities and equipment of that station.

(2) Integrated Services (after-school support, immersive kindergarten plan, and community and indigenous mutual educare service centers)

After the inventory reconciliation, CIP has provided integrated services with indigenous students after-school support in 11 culture and health stations, including 5 in churches, 4 in civilian residences, and 2 in activity centers. We have also established 5 after-school support locations near culture and health stations.

In addition, among the villages with 121 culture and health stations, 22 have implemented the CIP immersive kindergarten plan. Among them, 4 (Zhongyuan Village in Renai Township, Nantou County; Anpo Village in Sandimen Township and Zhongcun Village and Yuquan Village in Majia Township, Pingtung County) of them integrated the immersive kindergarten and after-school support with the culture and health stations. In addition, 3 villages (Maliguang Village in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County; Daai Village in Shanlin District, Kaohsiung City; and Jiaping Village, Taiwu Township, Pingtung County) with culture and health stations have the mutual educare service center in the station. This project has been prioritized in neighboring villages with overlapped educare services (immersive kindergarten plan and mutual educare service center) and after-school support locations.

2. Renovation of Culture and Health Integrated Service Locations by Phase

(1) Phase I (September 2017-December 2018): Prioritization of 121 culture and health stations with steady daycare services for indigenous elderly people to establish the construction process for local governments and subsidize one pilot location for each indigenous group in each township, including buildings in the core spaces and accessible friendly spaces in roads, squares, and landscapes in the village. Quality landscape and building renovation plans were designed to provide quality spaces for elderly daycare and child daycare and present the indigenous and cultural characteristics of local indigenous groups.

(2) Phase II (January 2019-December 2019): Renovation of 159 culture and heath stations with planning and site selection completed in 2017-2018.

(3) Phase III (January 2020-Auguest 2021): Renovation of 100 culture and heath stations with planning and site selection completed in 2019-2020.

3. “Urban Indigenous Village Building” focuses on establishing indigenous culture and heath integrated service locations in urban areas to provide indigenous peoples with integrated services; introduces urban village construction or transformation plans to urban indigenous settlements with long-standing low quality and public facilitiesto optimize the living functions and improve the living quality in these settlements, cohere indigenous awareness, and promote indigenous culture succession in urban areas.

4. “Improvement of Public Facilities Around Service Locations and in the Villages” focuses on improving various public facilities around culture and health integrated service locations and in villages to provide facility users with a comfortable environment, build appropriate indigenous spaces, and improve location service quality and the physical and mental health of indigenous peoples.

5. “Construction of Tribal Heart Pilot Locations” focuses on establishing integrated service centers with indigenous traditional architectural and cultural implementations to provide indigenous peoples a pilot space integrated with cultural and healthcare services including long-term care, student after-school care, child daycare, and wireless broadband.