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2019 Endangered Indigenous Languages Revitalization Subsidization Project, Council of Indigenous Peoples

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  • Online Date:2020/07/06
  • Modification Time:2021/09/03 21:33:49
  • Hits: 1984

I. Background

As a multiethnic, multilingual, and multicultural country, there are 16 indigenous groups speaking 42 indigenous languages in Taiwan, forming Taiwan’s multiculturalism. However, under the policy of “official language supremacy and dialect suppression” implemented for over a century during Japanese colonization and the National Government period, neither the environment nor the field for the use of indigenous languages has been preserved and protected. As a result, the indigenous language proficiency of indigenous peoples aged below 30 has been reduced significantly.

According to the report content of the 2009 UNESCO survey and the “Indigenous Language Use and Proficiency of Indigenous Peoples Survey” conducted by CIP during 2012-2016, a serious language shift is observed in 42 indigenous languages spoken by 16 indigenous groups in Taiwan, and endangered indigenous languages include Pinuyumayan, SaySiyat, Sakizaya, Kabalaen, Thau a lalawa, Saaroa (Hla’alua), Kanakanavu, Teldreka, 'Oponoho, and Thakongadavane. In conclusion, to resolve the “death crisis” of endangered indigenous languages, this Plan is established to find the stop-loss point for the shift of endangered indigenous languages and assist with the promotion of the momentum and methods to promote the sustainable development of indigenous languages in terms of four main objectives: “Cultivation of Professionals for Indigenous Language Revitalization”, “Optimization of the Organization for the Indigenous Language Revitalization”, “Building a Living Environment for Indigenous Language Maintenance”, and “Preservation of Indigenous Language Corpus”. With such, this Project aims to effectively reduce the “death crisis” of endangered indigenous languages.

II. Legal Basis

1. According to Paragraph 11, Article 10, Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China: “The State affirms cultural pluralism and shall actively preserve and foster the development of aboriginal languages and cultures.”

2. According to Article 7 of the Indigenous Languages Development Act: “The central competent authority shall stipulate policies for indigenous language development and give priority to the revitalization of endangered languages.”

III. Objectives

1. To proactively cultivate professionals for indigenous language revitalization, assist all organizations promoting the revitalization of endangered indigenous languages, inspire the awareness of rescue for indigenous languages in indigenous peoples, and earnestly implement various measures to revitalize endangered indigenous languages.

2. To stimulate enthusiasm for indigenous language revitalization and motivate indigenous peoples to learn indigenous languages through collaboration among local governments, families, villages and communities, schools, and religious groups.

3. To adopt multidimensional language learning measures to maintain endangered indigenous languages in families and in villages and persistently build living and learning environments for maintaining endangered indigenous languages.

4. To draw up appropriate revitalization plans for individual endangered indigenous languages, systematically establish and preserve indigenous language corpus through expert and scholar guidance, and build mechanisms for the sustainable inheritance of endangered indigenous languages.

IV. Implementation Period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

V. Eligibility

Civil associations established according to related laws and regulations. Applications shall be made through the “language promotion organization” of each indigenous group, except for Teldreka, 'Oponoho, and Thakongadavane.

VI. Applicability This Project is applicable to the Pinuyumayan, SaySiyat, Kabalaen, Thau a lalawa, Saaroa (Hla’alua), Kanakanavu, Sakizaya, Teldreka, 'Oponoho, and Thakongadavane languages.

VII. Subsidized Items

1. “Mentorship” for Learning Indigenous Languages: Full-time Mentorship and Part-time Mentorship

(1) Indigenous Language Mentor: Except for Teldreka where additional mentors are allowed, mentors of all other indigenous languages must pass the 2018 annual evaluation.

(2) Indigenous Language Mentee (protégé/protégée): Except for Teldreka where additional mentees are allowed, mentees of all other indigenous languages must pass the 2018 annual evaluation.

(3) Learning Method: With the teaching method of daily learning of indigenous languages, indigenous languages are inherited by means of mentorship through daily-life interaction.

(4) Each full-time mentor-mentee group must complete 40 hours of mentoring each week, with a minimum of 5 days a week. Each part-time mentor-mentee group must complete 40-80 hours of mentoring each month.

(5) Learning Record: The “indigenous language mentor” should maintain an “attendance record” to record the learning time and status of the “indigenous language mentee”. The “indigenous language mentee” should consolidate the learning contents in the “learning record” for the reference of learning status review.

(6) The maximum term of each mentorship is three years. A mentee passing the annual evaluation may continue with the mentorship in the next year. Indigenous language mentees failing the annual evaluation should return the salaries received during the mentorship in that year.

(7) An indigenous language mentee exiting the mentorship before its expiration should return the salaries received during the mentorship in that year.

(8) After completing the mentorship, indigenous language mentees should assist with matters relating to the revitalization plan of that indigenous language.

(9) Both the mentor and mentee should sign the Employment Contract (Annex 2).

2. Church Indigenous Language Class

Plan and organize “speaking indigenous languages” related activities within the church. Recommended items:

(1) Indigenous Language Sunday School: At least five members of each Sunday school class given will speak an indigenous language. If no Sunday school teacher speaks an indigenous language, those speaking an indigenous language fluently can be hired for co-teaching on the four times a month and one hour each time bases.

(2) Indigenous Language Sermon: Presiders and speakers are encouraged to use indigenous languages (at least bilingual or over 50% of indigenous languages); and include indigenous languages in the daily report.

(3)  Indigenous Language Hymns: Translate hymns into and practice them in indigenous languages, record the number of practices and data of indigenous language hymns.

(4) Indigenous Language Bible Study Group: Form indigenous language Bible study groups or read the “indigenous language Bible” in prayer meetings, and record the contents of implementation each time

(5) Indigenous Language Fellowships: Speak indigenous languages in a fellowship and activities, and record the contents of implementation each time.

(6) Compilation of Indigenous Language Corpus and Creation of Indigenous Language Situations in the Church: Compile the indigenous language corpus and create indigenous language situations alongside with Chinese.

3. Indigenous Language Camp

(1) To create an environment for using indigenous languages for youth returning to their hometown for summer and winter breaks to improve their command of indigenous language in communication; to provide an immersive learning environment with an edutaining approach for indigenous youth to develop experience in speaking indigenous languages. The camp is intended primarily for indigenous students, with a minimum of five students in each group, and 40 hours of class each group.

(2) Instructor Qualifications: Senior indigenous language instructors should be hired as tutors.

(3) Learning Contents: Include the CIP Klokah fundamental teaching materials (including the Alphabet, Songs, and Picture Stories) and supplementary teaching materials (the 100 Sentences for Basic Conversation from chapters 1-10). A lesson plan and a schedule should be established and everyday life materials or contents (e.g. fieldtrips) should be arranged.

(4) Achievement Evaluation: Indigenous language instructors should design the “learning effectiveness evaluation sheet” according to the course contents to measure the learning performance of students and adjust the course contents at any time in response to the needs and competence of students to arouse learning interest and enhance learning effectiveness.

4. Indigenous Language Assembly

(1) Indigenous persons should recommend those with a good command of indigenous languages be indigenous language instructors.

 (2) Organize regular gatherings with a minimum of five indigenous persons each time and greet, chat, and discuss in the indigenous language for participants to immerse themselves in the indigenous language environment for them to pick up and use the indigenous language naturally to increase the opportunities and situations for using the indigenous language. Once a week and three hours each time.

(3) Indigenous languages instructors should lead participants to record the indigenous languages learning process with text, paintings, and multimedia and share the process through Facebook or small achievement exhibitions or other creative activities for each participant to record the process and keep a deeper memory of the indigenous language learned, in order to enhance learning effectiveness.

5. Other Creative Measures With Local Features

To develop adaptive methods for revitalizing indigenous languages.

“General records” of the above plans shall be maintained both in writing and electronically and supported by the “effectiveness evaluation”. Both records and the evaluation results should be submitted with the implementation achievement report at plan expiration.

General Records: Records of all written data, such as teaching materials and attendance records.

Effectiveness Evaluation: The evaluation can be implemented through the paper-and-pencil test, activities, games, performance, and other methods with evaluation functions, and related records shall be assembled.

6. Personnel Expenses

(1) Principal Investigator

a. To develop and establish the implementation strategies and plans for revitalization, plan the overall plan, capture project implementation progress, supervise project advancement, and implement the administrative affairs of language promotion organizations.

b. To be recommended within CIP staff.

c. The Principal Investigator policy applies only to the Teldreka, 'Oponoho, and Thakongadavane languages. The Principal Investigator of all other indigenous languages is equivalent to the “project/administration staff” in the “Indigenous Languages Promotion Organization Subsidization Project”.

(2) Indigenous Language Assistant

a. The qualifications of indigenous language assistants are subject to the “Regulations on Management of the Workers in Social Associations”. An indigenous language promotion organization should not employ the spouse, or any relatives by blood and by affinity within three generations of the current chairperson of the subsidized organization as indigenous language empowerment workers.

b. The qualifications of indigenous language empowerment workers should be provided while submitting the project proposal.

c. The duties include consolidation, filing, and submission of detailed plans, work coordination data, various records, budget offset data, and platform and related data; management of documents and files (e.g. contracts, meeting minutes, and event documents); production of work schedules and management calendar and coordination and arrangement of meetings; and preparation of meeting agendas, participation in meetings, production of meeting minutes, and phone operator.

d. The Indigenous Language Assistant policy applies only to the Teldreka, 'Oponoho, and Thakongadavane languages. The Indigenous Language Assistant of all other indigenous languages is equivalent to the “project/administration staff” in the “Indigenous Languages Promotion Organization Subsidization Project”.

7. Administrative Expenses The administrative expenses for each of Teldreka, 'Oponoho, and Thakongadavane languages will be NT$70,000.

VIII. Criteria and Amounts of subsidization

Subsidized Item
List of Criteria and Amounts of subsidization
1.       Service Fees (available for each indigenous language)
Mentorship Indigenous Language Learning
1.   Full-time Mentorship: The salary for each indigenous language mentor is NT$36,000/month and each indigenous language mentee is NT$30,000/month, plus a year-end bonus of 1.5 months of the salary. The premium for Labor Insurance, Occupational Injury and Disease Insurance, National Health Insurance, and Labor Pension will be paid by law.
2.   Part-time Mentorship: The hourly paid indigenous language mentors is NT$250/hour and hourly allowance for mentees is NT$150/hour.
Church Indigenous Language Class
1.   The allowance includes the hourly pay and travel expenses of instructors, indigenous language situation decoration fee, data photocopying fee, refreshments, and miscellaneous expenses.
2.   Maximum allowance for each class is NT$100,000.
Indigenous Language Camp
1.   The allowance includes the hourly pay and travel expenses of instructors, venue fee, teaching material fee, indigenous language situation decoration fee, data photocopying fee, refreshments, and miscellaneous expenses.
2.   Maximum allowance for each session is NT$100,000.
Indigenous Language Assembly
1.   The allowance includes hourly pay, travel expenses, accommodation fee, venue fee, teaching material fee, data photocopying fee, refreshments, and miscellaneous expenses.
2.   Maximum allowance for each class is NT$150,000.
Other Creative Measures
1.   Each organization may plan the contents of subsidization. Actual allowances will be granted after review.
2.       Personnel Expenses (available for the Teldreka, 'Oponoho, and Thakongadavane languages)
Principal Investigator
One Principal Investigator will be appointed according to the “Indigenous Languages Promotion Organization Subsidization Project”. The duty allowance is NT$8,000/month. The job of the Principal Investigator is to develop and establish the implementation strategies and plans to rescue an endangered indigenous language, plan and implement the overall plan, capture project progress, supervise project implementation, and implement various administrative affairs.
Indigenous Language Assistant
One Indigenous Language Assistant will be appointed according to the “Indigenous Languages Promotion Organization Subsidization Project”, NT$32,000/month, plus a year-end bonus of 1.5 months of the salary. The premium for Labor Insurance, Occupational Injury and Disease Insurance, National Health Insurance, and Labor Pension will be paid by law. Job contents:
•Administrative Work: Work consolidation; and filing, consolidation, and submission of various records, budget offset data, and platform and related data.
•Organization of training courses and training for indigenous languages.
Ÿ•Organization of indigenous languages assemblies.
•Compilation of records regarding rituals and ceremonies, cultures and customs, indigenous history, and legends.
•Guidance for families learning indigenous languages.
•Assistance for multilingual service promotion.
Administrative Expenses
NT$70,000 each indigenous language offset according to miscellaneous items.


IX. Application After planning appropriate revitalization measures according to the language vitality, human resources, and resources of own indigenous languages, an application unit should submit to CIP two copies (including the electronic files) of a project proposal according to the format as shown in Annex 1 by December 15, 2018.

X. Review

1. CIP will review the qualifications and proposals of the applicant. CIP will not subsidize failing projects.

2. Review Foci:

(1) The contents, methods, and team of the project are feasible, operable, and practical to encourage indigenous peoples and team members to participate in revitalization.

(2) Qualifiable indicators are available for measuring project benefits, and the project is expected to enhance the utilization rate of indigenous languages and build an environment for utilizing indigenous languages.

(3) Reasonability of the project budget and expandability of source linkage.

(4) The past experience and achievements in promoting indigenous languages of the applicant.

XI. Disbursement and Setoff of Funds

1. The subsidy will be disbursed in three phases.

(1) Phase I: 50% of the approved subsidy after project approval.

(2) Phase II: 40% of the approved subsidy after passing the mid-term interview and review, with receipts to set off 80% of the subsidy disbursed in Phase I.

(3) Phase III: 10% of the approved subsidy after the submission of receipts pending for offset and approval of achievements at project completion.

2. A subsidized unit should set performance targets, and the subsidy will be reduced proportionally according to the unachieved part of the target.

3. The subsidy should be used on the subsidized project only. Fund disbursement and offset should be subject to CIP’s “Accounting Regulations of Subsidization (Donation) for Civil Associations and Private Schools”. A subsidized unit shall submit the achievement report (including an electronic file) and one copy of related materials, such as books or multimedia DVDs, produced during project implementation by January 5, 2020 to set off and close the subsidization account. A subsidized unit should also return the unused subsidy.

XII. Effectiveness Audit

1. After project approval, no part of the project items and contents can be changed without permission. If a change is required or part of the project becomes inoperable, the subsidized unit should apply for a change approval to CIP according to the administrative procedures.

2. Based on actual needs, CIP may send staff to perform an onsite audit of the status and performance of project implementation or request the subsidized unit to present a report to CIP.

3. CIP will review each subsidized unit and evaluate the achievements of implementation as important references for the subsidization review in the next year.

4. When the contents of implementation are inconsistent with the project contents, funds are used against the purpose of use, and false or exaggerated financial statements are found, CIP may withdraw subsidization and reject the application of this subsidized unit for three years.

5. When a project is severely behind the schedule or the subsidized unit gives up on project implementation, CIP may withdraw subsidization and claim all of or part of the subsidy based on the project progress.

XIII. Supervision and Evaluation

1. A subsidized unit should file the achievement reports by project item for irregular verification.

2. The Indigenous Language Assistant must participate in the training program arranged by CIP. CIP will not subsidize the allowance for and claim the collected allowance from Indigenous Language Assistants who refuse join the training program or withdraw from the middle of a training program.

3. A subsidized unit should set up an interactive platform for the rescue of endangered languages (including data provision, data updating, updating learning records and achievements, and other related work) in cooperation with CIP. The quantity of platform resources forms part of the performance.

4. A subsidized unit should send personnel to participate in various indigenous language contests organized by municipal and local governments. A subsidized unit should list all events participated in or submit related data and video data in the achievement report.

Annex I

2019 Endangered Indigenous Languages Revitalization Subsidization Project

Application Form

Application Date: ________________, 2019

Applicant Unit


Title/Name of Responsible Person or Representative


Contact Person








Mailing Address


Project Summary (about 150 words, including performance quantifiers)



Total Amount of Funds

NT$ thousand

Self-raised Funds

NT$ thousand

Required Subsidy

NT$ thousand

Projects and Funded Amounts in the Last Two Years

Please List These Projects (including projects in progress in this year)

(unit full name)

2019 Endangered Indigenous Languages Revitalization: OO Group OO Language Detailed Implementation Plan

I. Background: (State the population and geographic distribution of the group and the status, endangerment, and situation of the language)

II. Legal Bases:

III. Objectives:

IV. Implementation Unit: (i.e. applicant unit/group)

V. Implementation Contents: (state the practice, schedule, place, and frequency of implementation of each project item and the anticipated number of learners to facilitate progressive implementation)

VI. List of Instructors (fill in the qualified instructors by project item)

Project Item



(indigenous language proficiency)






















VII. Team: State the core workforce of the implementation unit


Workforce Layout



Job Contents


















VIII. Budget Estimation (based on the budget planning in the project proposal)








Unit Price






































IX. Expected Benefits: (quantify the expected achievements and qualify influences)


Sample Indigenous Language Mentor (Mentee) Employment Contract This Contract is established by and between OOO Association, the Employer, hereinafter called Party A, and Miss/Ms./Mr. OOO, the Employee, hereinafter called Party B for the employment of the mentor (mentee) of the ___________ language of _____________ group. The Parties hereto hereby covenant and agree each with the other as follows:

1. Employment Term: From _______________ (date of execution) until __________________.

2. Workplace: Fill in the actual workplace.

3. Service Contents: Fill in the actual service contents, to be specified according to the contents of the work items listed under this Project.

4. Evaluation Criteria:

(1) Party A shall conduct the annual evaluation and regular evaluation on its personnel. The annual evaluation will be the reference for the renewal of the employment contract in the second year. However, Party A may terminate this Contract at any time for the incompetence or serious breach of Party B and report to the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) for recordation.

(2) Items including learning ability, learning attitude, planning ability, and the research and development ability of indigenous languages shall be rated independently in the annual evaluation.

(3) The full score of both the annual evaluation and regular evaluation is 100, divided into three grades: A, B, and C. The score of each grade is as follows:

a. A: 85 marks and above.

b. B: 80-84 marks.

c. C: 70-79 marks.

d. Contract renewal in the second year will be considered for employees with a B.

(4) An employee will not receive an A under any one of the following circumstances:

a. Poor attitude at work with solid proof.

b. Failure to mentor indigenous language by the project work item or falsification of attendance records with solid proof.

5. Other Regulations

(1) Party B shall follow this Contract during the Term and shall not engage in side jobs or impersonation. Party A may relieve Party B unconditionally at any time if Party B is found incompetent or negligent at work or engages in misconduct, falsification of survey data, or disclosure of confidence with solid evidence. Party A may also claim from Party B damages, if any, caused.

(2) Party B shall deliver the learning status to Party A by the 5th of every month to facilitate Party A to report to CIP. At the end of each year, Party B shall produce an achievement report for the project management center to forward to CIP for recordation.

6. Remuneration

(1) The maximum salary of Party B shall be NT$ _______________ each month. The Labor Pension contribution will be ____% at NT$ _______________. The contribution of the insured unit shall be NT$ ________ for Labor Insurance and NT$ ________ for National Health Insurance. The contribution shall be paid at the end of each month with the subsidy disbursed by CIP. Party A shall apply for the National Health Insurance and Labor Insurance for Party B. 

(2) An Indigenous Language Assistant that exits the project in the middle of the Term shall return all salaries that have been collected during the Term.

7. Party B shall confirm the workplace specified in Section 3 and the time of work within two weeks after contract execution and submit the results to Party A for approval. Party B shall re-submit the workplace and time to Party A for approval after a change. In addition, Party B shall not request for a raise or additional remuneration.

8. Party B shall apply for a voluntary resignation one month in advance and shall resign only with the approval of CIP through Party A.

9. When the Contract is terminated, Party B shall list and hand over all affairs within its duty to Party A.

10. The law of the Republic of China shall be applicable law of this Contract. The Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the jurisdiction court of the first instance for this Contract.

11. Special Terms

(1) The pay, performance evaluation, retirement, compensation, mutual aid, and insurance specified in the Civil Service Pay Act shall not apply to Party B.

(2) The pay, performance evaluation, retirement, compensation, mutual aid, and insurance specified in the Civil Service Pay Act shall not apply to Party B. The rights and obligations specified in the Labor Standards Act shall apply.

12. This Contract is provided for in four counterparts. Each Party shall keep one copy. Party A shall forward the other copies to related units.

Party A:

Statutory Representative:


Phone Number:

Party B:

ROC ID Card No.:


Phone Number:
