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Control Yuan’s Order of Correction towards TIT’s Exploitation on Employees

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  • Online Date:2019/05/14
  • Modification Time:2020/04/21 10:49:58
  • Hits: 1716

In response to the order of correction by the Control Yuan of the continuous exploitation on employees by the Taiwan Indigenous Television (TIT) , the neglect of employment rights and interests of the indigenous people, and serious damage to the image of Government, the Council of Indigenous Peoples (the Council) issued a statement today (15th) expressing: “the Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation has been supervised and suggested to improve.”

The Council pointed out that TIT was independently operated by the Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation (the Foundation), and the employees were hired by itself as well. Last June, the Ministry of Labor sent a letter saying that TIT’s contraction with the natural person might be a violation of the Labor Standards Act. The Council then requested the Foundation to carry out thorough improvement.

The Council stated that, in order to correct the situation of improper use of natural person contracting, the Foundation had made resolution to adopt an amendment to the organizational staffing in the organizational elements of the Foundation in the 24th meeting of the Board of Directors of the third session. The Council put it on record on December 28, 2018. The Foundation would completely stop taking natural persons contraction, and the former contractors had also been transferred to full-time positions.

Finally, the Council said that it would continue to pay attention to the rights and interests of the employees of TIT, ensuring their rights and interests be protected and thereby improving the quality of program as well as the news professionalism.